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Joanne Galliher's Writer's Bio is on another website page:  See the menu above. This is her Curriculum Vitae.  Here's Joanne at 21, as a BA Degree graduate.

Joanne's businesses over the years -

'Communication with Care' - Speech Pathology services provided in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA, 1984 - 1988

'Joey's GYMM - Getting You More Mental' - Academic tutoring provided on the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 1993 - 1997

'Joey's Ever Fit' -  Fitness classes provided on the Gold Coast and  West Outback,  Queensland, Australia, 2001 -  2005

Cowgirl or "Jillaroo"  *One of my all time favorites?? Part time cowgirl "jillaroo" on a Mate's 66,000-acre cattle station in Outback Queensland Australia... I was 58 to 60. 

​​​Joanne Has worn many career hats, in addition to speech pathologist and teacher. 

As far as job roles, her only criteria was to help others see and feel their worth.

Job Capacity Assessor – Assessed Disability Support applicants - APM Employment Service, Bundaberg Qld. 2009

Employment Case Manager– Assisted youths and adults (with disabilities) search, secure and maintain very self-satisfying employment - STEPS Employment Solutions, Hervey Bay Qld 2008; and with Leonie Green & Associates, Palm Beach Qld 1995

Community Program Coordinator – Insured that senior clients received excellent in-home care provided by a team of Personal Carers – Community Care/Blue Care, Hervey Bay Qld 2007.  Also, linked disadvantaged families with on-going counselling and other service networking – Fraser Coast Parent Aide Program, Hervey Bay Qld 2006. 

Independent Living Mentor - assist adults with disabilities live quality  independent lives  in the community. No longer living in supportive group homes., Gold Coast, Qld 1995.

Vocational/Training Support Person – Provided adults (with moderate intellectual disabilities) with hands-on training in timber product manufacturing – Endeavour Foundation Business Services, Southport Qld 1997

Speech Pathologist – Provided infants, children, teens, young adults and seniors (with various disabilities) with communication skills’ assessment and therapy.  Employers included – Montrose Crippled Children’s Society, Gold Coast Qld 1995; Tweed Heads Community Health, Tweed Heads NSW 1990; Queensland Cerebral Palsy League, Brisbane, Qld 1989 and Disability Services, Brisbane Qld 1988.  Prior to that, I worked in various acute care hospitals and schools in the USA.

Special Education Teacher – Primary and secondary schools in USA for 4 years.

Foster Carer Assessor– Assessed foster carer applicants – Churches of Christ Care, serving Wide Bay area Qld 2006

Parent Aide Coordinator -  Recruited, trained and supported a team of 12 counsellors as they helped disadvantaged families not lose their children to Foster Care, Wide Bay Qld 2006.

Coordinator for Community Care - Coordinated a team of 30 in-home carers for 50+ families so their elderly family member could stay at home vs going to nursing homes., Wide Bay Qld. 2007

Recruiter/Trainer– Recruited remote rural area residents and assisted them to obtain ‘Retail Certificate’ and ‘Agriculture/Beef Certificate’ in Hughenden Qld 2005

Fitness Instructor – For young adults and seniors in Central Highlands Tasmania area 2012.  Hughenden Qld in 2005 and in Palm Beach Qld. in 2000 – 2005. 


​Education & Other Qualifications:

B.A. Speech Pathology (with a Minor in English) University of Holy Names, Oakland, California USA – 1972

M.A. Communicative Disorders (and completed a Teaching Credential) University of the Pacific, Stockton, California USA – 1974

Certified Fitness Leader, Australian Institute of Fitness, Brisbane, Queensland, Aust. 1989

Certified Rehabilitation Coordinator, Brisbane, Queensland Aust. – 1997

Certified Workplace Trainer, Gold Coast, Queensland Aust. – 1997

Certified Fitness Instructor, Cooper Institute of Fitness, Dallas, Texas USA – 2004

Certified Personal Trainer, Cooper Institute of Fitness, Dallas, Texas USA - 2005

Certified Foster Carer Assessor, Townsville, Queensland Aust. – 2006