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*Readers' Reviews of WITH EVERY BREATH  are in this Website -- See the menu

Joanne is thrilled that so far, 34 people have read her 4,000-word short story manuscript -- WITH EVERY BREATH

a tale of struggle, survival & CELEBRATION.     

Joanne hosted fundraising activities in 2018 -2019 using this  not-for-profit short story to raise funds for Tasmania Lung Foundation.  People donated $5 to Tasmania Lung Foundation.

With Every Breath

a tale of struggle, survival and celebration

by Joanne E Galliher--a double lung transplant recipient

​*The whole short story is on the website page: "With Every Breath."

 Joanne's own story of her 1,187 days of end stage disease and then her heroes -- a donor and her family blessed her with two new lungs April 9, 2017!